Kristin Carpenter, Chair
Kristin has worked for years to create a long-term legacy for Cordova, and was instrumental in working with The Alaska Community Foundation to establish an Affiliate Foundation in Cordova. Her desire to help our community become more self-reliant became a reality in 2019, and she has led the CCF board as the chairperson ever since. She says, “So many people work really hard to support Cordova’s nonprofits and youth activities, and this is a way to contribute to that work.” In her spare time, Kristin is an avid runner and skier, which allows her to indulge in her favorites – Cordova’s amazing seafood and chocolate chip cookies, especially enjoyed around the campfire at Alaganik Slough. Kristin stays in Cordova because she loves how people here help each other and care about each other.
Michelle Hahn, Vice Chair 
Jake Borst, Secretary
When Jake was told about the Cordova CF a few years ago, he jumped at the opportunity to serve on the Advisory Board. He loves giving back to the community that has done so much for him and his loved ones, and he loves working with people whose similar passions are an inspiration for him. When asked about his connections to Cordova, he mentioned busy summers and serene winters, blustery sideways rain and clear, bluebird skies. The countless adventures to be had can happen in any of these circumstances. But mainly he values the people here. Jake is a man of many talents, and occasionally even waxes poetic, as he did when asked about his hobbies:
“Hiking the trails or making some sales.
Kayaking rivers and getting wet, or stacking the leads and corks of the net.
Writing and reading a good book, pretending to know how to cook.
Coaching and playing basketball, continues to enthrall.
Taking whatever each new day will bring, these are a few of my favorite things.”
Alexis Cooper, Treasurer
Bill Lindow, Member
Heidi Voss, Member
Alaska got into Heidi Voss’ blood when doing summer work while in college, and she looked for an opportunity to return full time. She’d heard a lot about Cordova, and when a job opened up at the local hospital, she jumped at the chance. It didn’t take her long in Cordova, a small town where the mountains meet the ocean, rivers, and fields to know that this was the perfect fit for her. Not long after moving here, Heidi heard about the Cordova CF and loved the idea of an endowment for Cordova enough to become a monthly donor. She eventually decided she wanted to give more than just money and volunteered to become a Cordova CF advisory board member. “I wanted to share with others the benefits of an endowment fund and how it will benefit Cordova for generations,” she said. Heidi and her boyfriend Royce have a yellow lab named Bucky who loves to roll in the snow, jump in the muskeg ponds, and sit in the mud. They spend a lot of time out the road hiking, exploring, and hunting.
If you are interested in becoming a Cordova CF Advisory Board Member, please speak to a current Advisor, fill out an application, and read the Advisory Board Job Description. When you have completed the application, give it to a current Advisory Board member or email to
Nicole Songer
Chris Iannazzone
Allen Roemhildt
Rob Eckley
Clay Koplin
Angela Butler
Scot Mitchell